Wind Turbine Drive Train Techniker

This is relatively a new technology introduced in Germany. This technology is being introduced in 2010 in Germany and most of the other European countries are working hard to use these windmill energy into use by 2020. To explore more huge turbines are being developed, numerous wind farms are being made under water so that this technology is being used in driving train in Germany. These techniker are required to check each and every part of these wind turbines so that they are in proper working order. To run these wind turbines driven train the wind turbine techniker are working harder in preparation of hydraulic and hydrodynamic know-how part.


Germany has many big mountain ranges where from offshore winds passes through various parts of Germany helpful for running of wind turbine drive trains. There must be a proper setting up and maintaince needed as these turbines are run deep inside the sea.

Windmills use kinetic energy and this energy is being transferred to mechanical energy used in driving motors known as wind train drive train in the sea. The maintaince cost of these wind driven trains are huge which include timely maintenance of gearbox oils, generator brush review, LSS bearing grease replenishment and container ejection. For this maintaince work these wind turbine techniker required numerous boats, steamers and professionally equipped sea techniker.


The strategy and modernization ideas used as a part of new technology used to drive train helps it to less failure and also increases it durability. According to a survey made on windmills in Germany, most of these multinational wind turbines run at an availability level of 97%. The present-day creation of wind turbine require servicing within six months duration consumes 30% of total energy cost and also takes anytime between 40 to 80 hours for its total servicing procedure to complete. If there is a major break down the service time may extend to even 100 men per hour.


The career of these wind turbines driven train techniker is very great. A techniker can earn any amount between $52 and $62 per year depending upon their skills. To become a wind turbine drive train techniker you need a bachelor or a master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering. You should have a practical knowledge about the working of these wind turbines. If there is a failure in any parts in the sea you can easily repair and make these turbines proper working condition.


If you possess all these above knowledge and skills your career as a wind turbine drive train techniker is bright.
